How to make chocolate cake with Christmas decorations
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Christmas and the beginning of the New Year are always an excuse to rejoice at the beginning of winter. Even if these occasions are not for all of us.
How to prepare:
Beat 3 eggs for 4 minutes and then add vanilla. Then add two-thirds of a cup of milk, two-thirds of a cup of sugar and a sufficient amount of melted baraka chocolate to the eggs and vanilla and mix for 2 minutes until the mixture is smooth. After that, we gradually add flour and baking powder to the above ingredients and mix it periodically. This will make your cake puff up well.
We cover the inside of our mold with greaseproof paper, pour the cake ingredients into it and put it in an electric oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes (this time may vary slightly in gas ovens).
We used butter cookies decorated with royal icing to decorate our chocolate cake, but you can do the design you want according to the materials available at home, your taste and creativity.
What is important is the secret of the deliciousness of our chocolate cake, which is the use of baraka chocolate.